Ways to reduce stress and remain sober
Stress can eat at you. It can hurt your mental and physical health. And, it can be very detrimental to someone in recovery. That’s because stress can trigger a relapse.
There are enough triggers to worry about without stress getting in the way. In fact, it can be stressful to try and stay away from triggers, this is why it’s incredibly important to figure out ways to manage your stress in recovery.
Take an inventory of the things that are causing you stress. If it’s something currently going on in the world and/or on social media, it may be best to lessen the time you spend investing in media. If it’s a lack of sleep that’s causing irritation, you may need to invest in more sleep. In fact, getting 7-9 hours of sleep should be something you aim for. That’s because a lack of sleep negatively affects your mental and physical health.
Don’t just take steps to get better sleep, but also make time for exercising. A nice walk in the outdoors can be very refreshing for the senses. Plus, exercise can get your endorphins pumping, which can help you feel more positive. And, don’t forget the importance of good nutrition for your overall well-being.
If you’re dealing with negative emotions, make sure that you’re working through them. Don’t just stuff them down. Take out your journal and write the stress out on paper. You can also talk with a counselor or supportive loved one about what you’re dealing with. Sometimes just getting it out can help you get through it.
Give yourself time to breathe and get creative. Finding a creative outlet can allow you to express yourself through a positive avenue. You can sing along with your favorite songs, get artistic or use your journaling as a way to creatively express yourself. Allowing yourself time to breathe is important too. Sometimes you need to create boundaries between yourself and others, those who might cause you to fall backward. You need to say ‘no’ sometimes in order to keep your sanity and sobriety.
Take measures today to find healthy outlets that allow you to let go of your stress. Finding these things can help you remain successful in sobriety.