Supporting a loved one in recovery
It can be difficult to watch a loved one struggling with addiction. On one hand, you may want to do everything you can for them and shield them from getting hurt further by giving them everything they need. On the other hand, you may be tired of the addiction and ready to shut the person out. Unfortunately, neither of these actions is typically the best solution. Instead of following either of these paths, take a look at these ideas on how to support your loved one in a healthy and helpful manner.
Let’s first talk about supporting your loved one. While your loved one is using, it may not be in your best interest to financially support them. This can end up draining your bank account and fueling the addiction further. Sometimes you need to let your loved one fall in order for them to get back up, as hard as that is to do. However, if your loved one is ready to get help or is already on the recovery journey, this is a great time to offer financial assistance. Your loved one will most likely need it as they create a new life. No matter where your loved one is at in the addiction recovery journey, they will always require mental and emotional support. They will need to know that you love them which is why the second option mentioned above, about shutting them out, is also not a healthy choice.
Your loved one will be less likely to get help if you give up on them. To move forward, they need to know you still love and support them. If they want to talk with you, be open and willing to listen to what they have to say. It’s important not to come off judgmental because you want to create trust. When your loved one knows they can talk to you about these things, they’ll be more likely to come to you when they’re ready to seek help or when they’ve relapsed. If your loved one doesn’t feel like they have anyone to go to, it will be harder for them to stay in recovery.
It is too much for you to be the only support your loved one has, so advise them to seek additional help with a support group or therapist. Also, ensure that you set some boundaries to keep yourself mentally and physically well. Don’t let your own health be hurt by taking on more than you should.
You can also better support your loved one when you’re well informed. Do the research and talk to those in the recovery field, learn about addiction, and about the options for treatment. The more knowledge you have the better suited you’ll be to support your loved one in the best way possible.