Feeling anxious about a blood draw? You’re not alone.
It’s not abnormal to feel anxious while getting your blood drawn. These tips can help:
It’s not abnormal to feel anxious while getting your blood drawn. These tips can help:
Take a long hard look at your relationships. Choose to spend more time with those who help you on your journey.
The opioid crisis is sweeping the nation. Our urinalysis and drug testing services can help you provide the best possible care for your patients.
It’s important to find healthy ways to manage stress in recovery.
Take time to consider the decisions you make daily. Are they helping you get where you want to be? Or are they hindering your success? Even a small step in the right direction is a win.
Camping can be a great way for anyone in recovery from drug and/or alcohol addiction to de-stress and relax. But what about COVID-19? Here are some important safety tips for a fun and safe getaway:
When recovering from substance abuse, it’s important to have friends you can count on.