Addiction recovery: You’re not in this alone
It’s hard enough to stay in recovery when things are going right, but when things don’t go as expected, it can make things even more difficult. The recovery journey isn’t a once a done thing. When you’re on the journey, you have to continually choose to stay in recovery. Every day you have to make it a priority. It’s too easy to relapse if you don’t focus on staying on track. And, if you fall off the course, you need to dust yourself off and get back on the path. All of this takes willpower, discipline and a strong desire to stay sober. You will also need support.
It can be hard to admit when you need help. Many of us try to do things on our own. We feel like we’re strong enough to break the addiction cycle and that it somehow weakens us when we ask for help. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth. We are stronger by asking for support.
In recovery, you need to find supportive people to have in your life. You need someone you can call up or text when you need to talk or when you’re tempted to use. You need people who will be a positive support for you, rooting for your recovery.
These kinds of people are important to have on a daily basis, but even more so when you’re really struggling and things don’t go as expected. In these times, when you’re sorting through things mentally and not sure what your future holds, it’s incredibly important to turn to others. Turning inward can cause you to spiral and lose control.
In these moments, when you’re tempted to isolate yourself from others, remember how important it is to stay in recovery. Even if things look bleak now, they will get better. Even when you don’t see a clear pathway in front of you, one can appear. You just need to keep going, but you don’t need to do it alone. Find those positive sources in your life and keep their number handy for when you need to call on a friend.