Carefully consider the steps you take today
There’s a quote by Paulo Coelho that says, “Always ask yourself if what you’re doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.” We should challenge ourselves to consider this quote regularly because our actions today can have an impact on our future.
When you’re starting your recovery journey, take time to consider the things that are the most important to you. Write down those things. It may be your family, your career goals, your friends, or something else. Take time to really contemplate and formulate your list.
Also, consider what goals you want to achieve and how you want your life to look a few years from now. Looking ahead at where you want to go can help you determine your priorities for today. It’s like creating a road map. If you don’t know where you want to go, you won’t be able to formulate any directions on how to get there.
Now that you know what’s most important to you and where you’d like to be in the future, you can develop a plan of action. What steps do you need to take today to help you achieve your future goals? How do you need to prioritize your life? Is what you’re doing right now going to help you achieve those goals? Are you prioritizing what you’ve listed as the most important things in your life?
Many times, we go about life without thinking about the consequences of our actions or how our day to day decisions will impact our future. But as much as we should focus on the here and now, we also need to consider how our actions will either help or hinder our ability to achieve the life we want.
Once you know what’s important to you and where you want to be in the future, you can ask yourself the above quote every day. Put reminders in various places where you’ll see them (on your phone, your fridge, your computer, or bedroom door). You can print out the image from this blog and post it somewhere as well.
When you have moments of struggle, look at these reminders. Think about the things that matter most and remember the steps you need to take today to get you where you want to be in the future. Also, don’t forget you don’t have to do this alone. Contact people who you can rely on for support. Try to stay positive, goal-oriented and on the path to a better future.