What to look for in friends when you’re on the road to recovery
During recovery, it’s important to find support and surround yourself with the right people. When we say the right people, we’re referring to anyone who will root you on and be a positive light in your life. In this blog, we’ll dive a little deeper into what qualities to look for in friends.
One of the first things you’ll want to look for is supportive people. If someone doesn’t encourage your recovery or, worse yet, hinders it, distance yourself from them. A supportive person will want you to move forward in this new direction. They’ll wish you the best and hope to see you continue to excel in life.
You don’t just want a “cheerleader” in your corner though. You also want an honest friend who will keep you accountable. You want someone who can speak truthfully with compassion and kindness. A friend should be able to be open with you. A good friend isn’t one who always tells you exactly what you want to hear, but instead, tells you what you need to hear.
People with a positive attitude are good to have in your life. These people are the ones that tend to look at the upside of things. They find the light in the tunnel. They believe in second chances and they believe in you. Being around positive people can help you feel more empowered and keep your mood lifted.
Friends who don’t just talk, but do well with listening, can be great to have during recovery. There are times when you’re going to need someone who can just listen to what you’re going through. This means you’ll need those friends who have a great listening ear.
People who are patient are good to have in life. When you fall down or run late. these friends practice patience. They’re not quick to get angry with you or throw fault. They want to help you up instead of punishing you down.
It’s a good idea to find some friends who have some of the same hobbies as you. This will give you a fun outlet to enjoy with another person, whether that be walking, playing a sport, taking a painting class, or playing music together. It’s great to find people who can share these positive experiences with you.
These are just a few of the attributes to look for when you’re trying to create a friendship circle that will be the most beneficial during addiction recovery. You don’t need to walk this road solo. Look for people who fit some, if not all, of these descriptions. You may find that certain friends are better at listening while other friends enjoy the same activities as you. It’s okay if not all of your friends fit the bill in totality, but it is important to stay away from those that could hurt your recovery.