Urine Toxicology Testing for Patient Care and Liability Protection

Urine Toxicology Testing for patient care and liability protection has become a necessity for a baseline, as the incidents of babies born with drug addiction continue to increase. As Indiana’s attorney general, Greg Zoeller noted in an interview with the Indianapolis Star (9/25/13), the number of addicted babies has tripled in 10-years. This trend is prevalent nationwide.

OBGYNs often require Urine Toxicology Testing during each patient’s first visit to offer better preconception care and counseling and to increase liability protection. Drug testing provides an opportunity to prevent damage to the woman and the fetus. During preconception counseling, women are advised about the risks of alcohol, tobacco, and drug use to the fetus.

Urine Toxicology Testing and assessment of pregnant women can also identify a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) early enough for intervention in order to prevent, minimizing, or at the very least preparing for serious problems for the fetus or neonate. Drug testing can be used to monitor abstinence.

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