Drug testing has become an integral part of drug treatment programs for patient monitoring and evaluation in substance treatment. Drug testing has become so common, the Federal government has established testing guidelines for treatment programs that are licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Use test report data for the following:

  • Baseline data for admission and creation of the care plan
  • Information added to ASAM reports when establishing the need for care
  • Objective data to support Utilization reviews to demonstrate medication management and adherence to the treatment care plan
  • Data from the test can be used to objectively show compliance and medical necessity
  • Support for the patient assessment during evaluation of a Substance Use Disorder (SUD) diagnosis
  • Clinical Data to create baseline levels and ongoing data in care plans
  • A screen to prevent potential adverse effects of pharmacotherapy
  • A way to monitor the patient’s use of illicit substances or adherence to pharmacotherapy treatment for SUDs
  • A way to assess the efficacy of the treatment plan (i.e., level of care)
  • A way to clinically manage a patient during care
  • A tool for program Clinical Outcomes and/or Outcome management

Beechtree Diagnostics urine toxicology testing may be used to document abstinence for legal matters, disability determinations, custody disputes, or reinstatement in certain professions (e.g., lawyers, healthcare providers, professional athletes, airline pilots). Contact us to learn more about drug testing.